I Recomend to use this skin With the Desktop in 800 X 600 ... if it is Smaller It's a bit Confusing..
¤¤ Este SkIn EsTa EcHo Y DeDiCaDo EsPeCiAL MeNtE A Mi AMiGA ....Un BeSOTe PaRa vOs BB!
¤ EsCriBan A :: info-is@in-file
¤ LeS DoY La LiBeRtAd De DiStRiBuIr EsTe SkIn A AMIgOs Y CoNoSiDoS pErO SiN PrOdUcIrlE NinGuN CaMbIo Q AfEcTe MiS DeReChOs O SeA LoS DeReChOs De AuToR....GraCiAs X todo!
¤¤ VERY IMPORTANT :: I Want To Thank Max Bloch (Webmaster of 1001winampskins.com :D) For Testing my skin. I just Cant Believe he sent to me an email Saying "Nice Skin".It's Just an honor To me because The Skin I Sent to him was totaly hanmade in Microsoft Paint® :D ... I Hope They Start to Take My Skins Seriously...I Just Have Fun Making Skins...So Thank You MaX! You Are My Hero!
¤ Long time Ago I finished This Skin.All Hand Work Just Paint And Wordpad
¤ If Anyone Wants To contact me Here It Is My Mail...if you have any suggest please write I'm learning to Draw Skins and I dont know if they are easy to be understand...
" info-is@in-file " or to " info-is@in-file " (both are my msn mails)
¤ Use This Skin Just For Personal Use and Do not Publish It Without my permission...
¤ I Made Some Extra Fonts For This Skin So You Just Have To Change The Name of The File
Text.bmp to text0.bmp and Rename any other with the name text.bmp
('~-._ ::El*ArGeNtO:: _.-~')
"Maximum Velocity"
By Stephan Hoekstra AKA Ampburner
(info-is@in-file | www.ampburner.com)
This is my latest skin called 'Maximum Velocity"
or "V-Max". I would personally describe it as
're ...
I Recomend to use this skin With the Desktop in 800 X 600 ... if it is Smaller It's a bit Confusing..
¤¤ Este SkIn EsTa EcHo Y DeDiCaDo EsPeCiAL MeNtE A Mi AMiGA ....Un BeSOTe PaRa vOs BB!
¤ ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...