`````````````````````` ClassicAmp 5.0 ```````````````````````The last version of this skin had a very modern look, but with this version I decided to go witha ol
`````````````````````` ClassicAmp 5.0 ```````````````````````
The last version of this skin had a very modern
look, but with this version I decided to go with
a old but stylish look...
I looked at my dads Pioneer Ampilier from which
i got the polished steel effect and knobs.
Coming up with the buttons was a problem, the
only buttons that suited this skin was the
ones from my previous skin...
This skin was also inspired by the design of
```````````````````````````` Skin Contents `````````````````````````````
* Main Control Amp
* Equilizer
* Playlist
* Minibrowser
* Cursors
* AVS skin
* MikroAmp skin
* Albumlist skin
````````````````````````````` Skin Presets `````````````````````````````
For best viewing results use these presets:
1. Looks good with any preset using Spectrum
2. Viewed best at 800x600 and with True color.
`````````````````````````````` Skin Info ```````````````````````````````
1. This skin was designed using MS Paint, Adobe
Photoshop 5 & ArcSoft Photoshop
2. No skinning tools were used in designing this
3. This took 5 weeks to complete
4. This skin may not be ripped and must be
distributed with this readme file
Skin no.18
`````````````````````````````` Contact Me ``````````````````````````````
If you have questions or comments here are
my E-mail addresses:
If you like this skin and want to download
my other skins goto:
Durban,South Africa
````````````````````````````` Wobbles 2002 `````````````````````````````
Andrea CORR v.2.32 by SamHh
Salut, moi c'est SamHh !
Ceci est une "skin" d'ANDREA CORR, la chanteus ...