----------------------------------- SECOND EDITION AIWA NSX-S90 ----------------------------------- by FERNSX ----------------------------------- San Fransis
San Fransisco Solano in
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Thanks for choosing this skin to enjoy of your music.
If you know this stereo you realize that
the main and geq windows represents
the stereo's body, and the playlist and
minibrowser are based on the remote.
All the windows were skinned, including avs
Mikro Amp and animated cursors.
It also comes whit an avs preset.
To check it you just got to exctract the
file "AIWA NSX-S90.AVS" from the skin file,
to the folder were you got all of your avs presets.
Run the avs plugin and then
look for the AIWA NSX-S90 preset.
Since I finished the 1st version, i'd always wanted
to create this skin 100% skinned by me,
so here it goes!
These times aren't the best over here,
but I've been skinning a lot just for practice
and improve my skinning skills.
I have also improved my skills making this skin,
so i think that i could release
a new version in the future.
I saw that some programs uses a system
that lets the skinner set all the positions
and sizes of the elements of his skin, inserting
the bmp coordinates and/or instructions
in a simple text file.
(for example DFX6 and a Playstation media player)
If Winamp developers includes a similar
skinning system like this,
i think that lots of coolest and original skins
will come.
But that's up to the winamp developers...
I want to thank and dedicate this skin
to all the skinners and users,
who gave me their support :
Theodore Kenessey
Tong Chwen Ng
and all the people i forgot...
Fernsx, or just Fer.
E-mail: info-is@in-file
Job stuff
I've got to take advantage of this so I'm Fernando
from Quilmes in Argentina (Buenos aires)
I'm an unemployed computer's technician
if you want to employ me
just contact me at
the same but in spanish:
Soy Fernando Mendez , tengo 20 años
y vivo en San FCO. Solano (Quilmes.)
soy un desempleado técnico reparador de PC
con conociemientos de ingles,
si quieres contratarme
envía un e-mail a:
""" info-is@in-file """
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...