>> DENON '' Antique '' Component for Winamp
WEB : http://www.bc.wakwak.com/~akane/studio/
Thanks so much your downloading.
Version 1.5 ------------------- 2002/4/15
This is my fifth work.
This one modeled component after DENON's works.
I think,
this skin is collection studies on the past 4 works
I created.
and respond to DFX-6!
- Mini Browser, AVS, and tmsVU (JPN made)
DFX6 skin is here.(http://www.fxsound.com/skins/)
- Cursors, EQ setting files, and Help files (JPN)
I hope you'll like the skin.
Contact: Akane ikuta (info-is@in-file)
---=[ DivinE ]=---
By Mlok
..was finished on 26.10.2003.
Thanks for downloading.
This is my first from-scratch skin and should be Winamp 2.9x ready.
Made while listening to Refused, Altan,
Dead Kennedys, Jetrho Tull, Madball, Ska-P
and some ...
Donkey Kong skin for Winamp (winamp 2.x only... 3.x version coming soon)