Skin = 'E'Skin Version = 1.0This skin is dedicated to the memory of Ayrton Senna, in my mind, the greatest F1 driver and just a real dude of a guy. R.I.PFirst t
Skin = 'E'
Skin Version = 1.0
This skin is dedicated to the memory of Ayrton Senna, in my mind,
the greatest F1 driver and just a real dude of a guy. R.I.P
First things first - Thanks for downloading the skin.
Without you guys, I wouldnt make skins.
Ok the 'fun' instuctions bit:
When the repeat logo is blue - Repeat is ON
When the shuffle logo is blue - Shuffle is ON
When On light is blue the EQ is on
When Auto light is blue Auto is on.
I think thats about it, once again thanks dudes.
I would also like to thank my friend and graphics associate
Mr Andrew Edwards aka Savage Monkey for his help on producing
my new snazzy logo.
The Code of Silence has been broken...
The Elusive Melon 2002.
Drop me a line at info-is@in-file
Check the site for news on me and the skins at:
All artwork, graphics and everything by The Elusive Melon
Copyright The Elusive Melon 2002 All Rights Reserved
EYE ON FUTURAMA version 1.0
This skin was made by Henrik Pedersen. Denmark (info-is@in-file)
Eye on futurama
I made this skin neither because I was too much time nor because I was re ...
Elevate 1.0 by Craig Dickson
Based on ELAN*TV 2.0 by Oleg M. Petrovsky
ELAN*TV 2.0 was a great skin, but it didn't do
the AVS, and there were a few things about it
that I wanted to change just as matters of
personal taste. Elevate 1.0 is the res ...
13/06/05 04:44 p.m Buenos Aires, Argentina
By El*ArGeNtO
Programs Used::
-MS Paint
-MS Wordpad
-Awicons Pro (Lite Version)
-Winamp region.txt generator by Maxim
-Winamp Vis Toolkit by Andrew Mackowski
http://home.pacbell.n ...