A New Next Generation Soft skin release..-Technical Waste-A skin for Winamp v2.64+-6/17/00-Comments from author: This skin was last seen & zipp
A New Next Generation Soft skin release..
-Technical Waste
-A skin for Winamp v2.64+
-Comments from author:
This skin was last seen & zipped up in
the MAXIMUM SOLITUDE skin as a preview of my upcoming work.
It was originally called "CHEMICAL WASTE" but I believe I saw
a skin with that same name a few days ago. So I altered the name
change. There is little transparency in the skin as you can see.
Alot of loose wires & new cursors!
-What to expect from this Skin:
Well as usual with the rest of my winamp skins I have included;
-Mini Browser skin
-AVS skin
-Dungeon Font is included to best view the Playlist & MB text
(icq: 767144)
Webmaster of Skindepth:
:Winamp Home:
MATRIX skin by Nini 1.1.
Well the controls might be hard to find, but let me tell you, they are all there. So just look closer...BTW an experienced WA user should know where to find the play button ;-)
Only the real true (evil) matrix on this skin. ...
"bloo plastik"
Began: October 6, 2002
Completed: October 6, 2002
I started designing this skin a couple of weeks ago. I decided to start it today (began date), and I finished it today as well.. It was an easy skin to make.. I am very proud of w ...