Digital Blue by Ashish Puliyel2002Website: info-is@in-fileThis skin was an attempt to return to 'back to basic' design. It foc
Release Notes for the maxlist WinAMP Skin
22. July 2003 - Final Release
created by jim_phelps (Rafael Czerwinski, info-is@in-file)
This skin is a port of the Dynamine visual-style by ...
::: dcb v1.5 by dcbel ::: 06.08.2006
winamp skin
After years of using winamp, i saw many great
skins but only a few of them were good looking
and usable.
So, i decided to do it at my own.
Roundabout 45+ h it takes me to dr ...
>> DENON '' Antique '' Component for Winamp
Thank so much your downloading.
Version 1.0 ------------------- 2002/2/25
This is my fifth work.
Thi ...