Version 2 15Apr2003
Created by Jim Stenzel
e-mail: info-is@in-file
(c) 2003
Skinned components include :
Main, EQ, Playlist, Minibrowser, AVS,
Library (2.9), and Video (2.9) windows.
Also includes animated cursors -
you're welcome to extract them from
the Zip file and use them in Windows.
You're also welcome to post it anywhere
on the web as long as you give me credit
and don't modify it.
Created with Corel PhotoPaint 7, MicroAngelo 5.0,
Winzip, Marlboro Cigarettes, and of course Winamp.
Note - with version 2.9, the EQ
has been corrected to +12/-12 dB. So
if you use it with an older version,
those buttons won't match up. If that's
a problem, just download the latest version
of WinAmp at
Changes made for Version 2:
Fixed Title centering
Fixed windowshade mode (Main ws wasn't lined up right)
Fixed Top left corner button (wasn't lined up right)
Eliminated the dots in Visualization mode
Fixed close/min/ws buttons in Main window (weren't lined up right)
Added +12/0/-12 buttons to EQ
Changed Balance and Volume bars
Removed metallic area from Main Window
Changed Mono/Stereo labels
Changed Kbps/KHz labels
Fixed EQ bars
Changed Pos bar track
Changed Minibrowser buttons
Changed text color
Changed the shape of the main "window"
Skinned AVS
Skinned Video window
Skinned Library
Added Animated Cursors
Colorado's Patrick Roy responds to a jibe from
Jeremy Roenick during the 1996 playoffs:
"I can't really hear what Jeremy says because
I've got two Stanley Cup rings plugging my ears."
This skin is the replica to the actual SONY RX77S.
It is the updated version and the best skin i have made.
Please enjoy it, but if u do make any changes 2 it dont take
cred 4 it.
This is the update:
The following aspects have be ...