BamaAmp v1.6
Designed By:
Pete Holiday
Version Info:
v1.60: MiniBrowser Skinned.
v1.50: AVS Skinned.
v1.45: Winshade for Equalizer Done.
v1.40: Equalizer Window Finished.
v1.35: "Restore" Button Standardized throughout.
v1.30: Play List Editor Done.
v1.20: Play list editor skinned
Add/Sub/Sel/Misc/List buttons not done.
v1.10: Improvements made to Title Bar
v1.05: Balance Slider Fixed
v1.00: Only the main window skinned.
Balance slider not correct.
a simple little skin by potatoe
Decided to make a skin that looked a bit more like I
wanted, and it came out alright (I think so at least).
questions, comments, criticisms?
info- ...
Blakamp Skin
This skin was created with Corel Draw 9.0 by Heright F. Kohler, during 5 hours the day 15 of January of 2003.
I dedicate this and all my skins to my sweetheart Carolina, who is all the inspiration of my life.
This Skin ...