Fettamp v 1.0This skin was made by Darth ChronicThis skin features everybodies favourite bounty hunterBoba Fett and his father Jango Fett.The pics we're mostly
Fettamp v 1.0
This skin was made by Darth Chronic
This skin features everybodies favourite bounty hunter
Boba Fett and his father Jango Fett.
The pics we're mostly taken from the official
Star Wars website:
and some are even from the upcoming movie.
For the overal design I was inspired by
the new Star wars RPG by Wizards of the coast.
And just to remind everybody why boba fett
is so cool I added the famous line that
Darth Vader said to boba Fett:
"No disintegrations."
v1.0 includes along with the usual stuff
a skinned AVS, MB and Mikroamp.
If you have any comment about this skin, please feel
free to mail me at:
If you like this skin and you want to put it on your
website please feel free to do so,
just mention that I made it.
And if your not busy please visit my site:
May The Force Be With You!
Darth Chronic
FlatBlue for Winamp 2.9
changed some details
FlatBlue for Winamp 2.9
Albumlist, Gucchi's Lyrics Displayer, TmsVU,
and MuchFX2(to exchange, using "Resourse Hacker".)
Do not use any stuff of th ...
ASA - Field Station Berlin
+ Designed by:
Mike "the Hardman" Metevelis 2000
+ Installation Notes:
extract files into the skins folder (e.g. C:ProgramsWinampSkinsASAberlin)
load winamp press Alt+s and select AS ...