LIQUID - Version 3.5 - INFO
Created by
Pforzheim/Munich, Germany
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Version 3.5
April 26th 2001
- Slight changes in transparency
- Better contrast
Version 3.0
November 27th 2000
- Added totally new transparency to the main window.
Looks like sunglasses on your desktop 8-)
- Redesigned Equalizer
- Changed some things in the playlist
Version 2.0
September 26th 2000
- I made an allover facelifting of Main Window, Equalizer
and Playlist
- Further improvements in transparency
Version 1.9
Juni 18th 2000
- Numbers in Main window look better now
- Improvements in transparency
- Improvements in playlist
Version 1.5
May 7th 2000
- Skin for AVS Window added
- some slight improvements
Version 1.1
April 9th 2000
- Some Improvements in the Main Window
Version 1.0 Released
March 30th 2000
As I planned to create a new Skin
for Winamp, I was Inspired by the
Skin "Pocketamp" (Gary Calpo).
Although the Basic Design is quite
boring, the excessive use of trans-
parency makes it look amazing. So I
decided to create a skin with a
similiar use of transparency, but
(I think so) better Design.
What you see is the result.
Send me your Comments !
LogAmp1.2 for 2.9x
Fixed some details.
Added mikroamp.
LogAmp1.1 for 2.9x
Fixed some details.
LogAmp1.0 for 2.9x
Do not use any stuff of this skin without permission.
Do not use commercial purpos ...
---------- LEMONADE ----------
Thanks for downloading this refreshing skin :)
Hope you like it. For more works visit http://ironborgir.deviantart.com
If you find any bugs, have suggestions or critics feel free to tell me.
e-mail: info-is@in-file
================ Diablo Amp =================
Copyright 1998 by Vader
This Skin was made by combining many parts
of some of the best skins out there (plus some of my own creations),
so I would like to thank anyone that I used stuff from their ski ...