*** Final Fantasy Amp *** for winamp 2.74 (the version i was using ;) by Neojag @ 2001V1.0####### Comments ########Well, this is the 1st version of my 1st winam
*** Final Fantasy Amp *** for winamp 2.74 (the version i was using ;)
by Neojag @ 2001
####### Comments ########
Well, this is the 1st version of my 1st winamp skin. Doesn't it look like it? ;)
Hope you liked it.
Made with Photoshop 5.5 / Microangelo 98
####### Notes #######
I though the mono/stereo buttons would ruin Rinoa's head, so i didnt put them. The same thing happens w/ the show/hide playlist and equalizer, but those two ARE Rinoa's eyes :) I was too lazy to make my own cursors, so i took some icons from animethemes.com and modified them to cursors, as you can see. Everything else was mabe by me, so i took 5 days to finish this thing.
######## Features ######
- Every window skinned (including minibrowser and AVS)
- Nice Gunblade and Cursors
- Total Final Fantasy Based Winamp Skin
####### Contacts ######
Mail: info-is@in-file
IRC: You might find me on PTnet under the nick Neojag (of course ;)
Enjoy the skin!
Freddie Mercury Skin version 1.0 for winamp
This is one of the four skin I created, using
Queen's singer Freddie Mercury. The photo was
taken from the greatest hits 2 booklet.
Think of the three oth ...