Technics ST1976 - A WinAmp "Skin" Interface.
version 2
Version notes:
New avs window
Designer's notes:
The interface is based on my personal Technics stereo with backlit panels.
Display notes:
The only display to be used is a a hi-color (16-bit) or even better, a smooth true-color (24- or 32-bit) display. As it is originaly made in 24-bit.
Thanks goes out to:
Technics, for their excellent equipment.
/Henrik Mjöberg, info-is@in-file
_ tone
___ (c) Florian Zeh
Please contact me for any kind of question, critic or permission!
Finished on 25 december 2004 ... skin by StillWater offers the best website templates on the net. The range is huge, and the templates are of a high quality, and affordable.
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