"Twin Valves" Skin for Winamp
Version 1.0
It is "fully winamp skin", with main, equalizer, playlist, mini
browser and cursors.
For best results use this skin with Winamp 2.5+
and in truecolor mode.
How to use correctly the skin:
The valves on Main seems really to work if you exclude the graphic
bars or the oscilloscope in the main window.
To do that, click on Preferences, Options, Visualization and then
choose "Visualization mode" OFF
The skin was made with MSPaint, PhotoShop 5.5 and Microangelo.
For the Region.txt, I have used Winamp TransTrace and Winamp
Skin Maker 1.20 for general purpose.
Many thanx to my friend Barta, for his patient in bugs hunt, the
precious conseils in layout development and the hard work in the
I hope you enjoy it.
Date first release: 16.12.2000
Francesco Maria Lanciani, Rome (Italy)
E-mail: info-is@in-file
`````````````````````` Titanium_Maximis 1.0 ```````````````````````
This skin contains skins for 5 additional
pulggins! The main thing that many skins lack
is multiple skin support, so thus this skin was
This skin was designed from drawni ...