Hi,If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.Well don't do it! If you a
from the creator of
the orignal SpyAMP comes...
SpyAMP 007 version 4.0
(modified for Winamp 2.x)
Mike Cao
ICQ 2158466 - zeromoo
http://members.tripod.edu/~mikecao/SpyAMP/ ...
Sepish - Skin For Winamp
version: 1.2 (06-02-2000)
author: Kauko Mikkonen alias KaMi
Thank you for downloading this skin.
Transparent skin for Winamp, I just wanted to know is it possible to make a round skin... Yes, but some parts will be miss ...