** S-AMP 1.0 **This is my first skin. Iknow it's not as good as those other onesout there, butI think it wasworthwhile to try to make a skin of my ownins
** S-AMP 1.0 **
This is my
first skin. I
know it's not
as good as
those other ones
out there, but
I think it was
worthwhile to
try to make a
skin of my own
instead of editing
someone elses
all the time.
There are two
ways to config-
ure this skin.
The first is to
set it on "hole"
mode. This
setup is the
default one
(as is when
The second setup
which is the
requires you to
change some
To get the
"connect" mode,
"main.bmp" -> "mainx.bmp"
"eqmain.bmp" -> "eqmainx.bmp"
"main2.bmp" -> "main.bmp"
"eqmain2.bmp" -> "eqmain.bmp"
Then change the
text file
by adding
semi-colons ";"
to the beginning
of every line
until the last
To see the
changes take effect,
you must place the
equalizer module
under the main
module. You will
see that the two
modules "link."
sKin by: pRöbiN, tHe
Stupid comment by: pRöbiN, tHe
A blue skin (like many) with some bugs, just for you and for the rest of the people that download it. lol =)
mail me to: info-is@in-file ...
SonixSilver my latest ...version of the sonix series. 2/6/2000
Total Rebuild.i keep the main button layout..and some of the general ideas from the previous sonix series, that why this was still publish under sonix name
Mini Browser Included.
As a ...