TI83 Ampby Marc DeSantisinfo-is@in-filehttp://members.aol.com/HL143Just unzip the file into a folder called TI83amp in your winamp skins directory.I am in no w
TI83 Amp
by Marc DeSantis
Just unzip the file into a folder called TI83amp in your winamp skins directory.
I am in no way affiliated with Texas Instruments, and if I get into trouble
because of copyrights - it wasn't my fault.
[ T U R B O N I U M ][ v1.0 ][ 27 March 2000 ]
created by: Zombie
timeframe: 27 March 2000, 01:28am
song: VAST - Touched
made in: cape town, south africa
version: 1.0
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----- D E M O N -----
This one took me hours... 22 hours totaly.
Everything was skinned. Lyrics, Bookmark Skin... result of a empty day. :/
But, worth it.
Don't Rip this Skin.
Any comments , e-mail me at:
Primary E-mail:
info-is@in- ...
:: Transparency 2.0::
By Andrew Mackowski
This skin, in part or in whole, may not be sold or distributed without the Author's expressed written consent.
www.syclonix.net/ewebsite ...