[ LCD Display Winamp ][ version 1.0 ][ made by Viperashu ]E-mail me at info-is@in-file any suggestions you may have.And: visit www.geocities.com/viperashu/ NOT
[ LCD Display Winamp ]
[ version 1.0 ]
[ made by Viperashu ]
E-mail me at info-is@in-file any suggestions you may have.
And: visit www.geocities.com/viperashu/
NOTES: 1. The skin is entirely made by me using nothing more than Corel PhotoPaint 8.0 and the BASE SKIN as template.
2. Mini Browser and AVS skined.
3. Cursors not included. (mainly because I don't use them) If you want cursors you can take them from any other skin.
Skin name: Lime Green Player
Date: 05.06.2003
Author: Caroline Johansson
Email: info-is@in-file
I made this skin for winamp 2.9x and features
* main
* equalizer
* playlist
* video
* minibrowser
* library
* avs ...
Final Fantasy 8 -Liberi Fatali- V1.3
skin for winamp 2.2 +
by Andrea Bonsignori
Official Chronoita skin.
| x | x | x | x | ...