********************** b y N a n d o **********************Skin was created for Fernando RomeroIf you have downloaded this skinand looked at this readme, send
* b y N a n d o *
Skin was created for Fernando Romero
If you have downloaded this skin
and looked at this readme, send na e-mail to
GO NOW!!!!!!
hehe.... oh yeah, go there!
no, really. It is a real nice soccer team.
So check it out and use my skin
while using Winamp!
(((( Nando - 1999 ))))
*--(Innominate Amp)--*
New features in updated version:
To begin with, this skin now also includes
a complete skin for VidAmp, as well as MikroAMP.
Of course, all the general windows are skinned,
such as the main, equalizer, mb, playlist editor ...
iBDE V.2 skin for Winamp
By Nareuphon Bau
Thanks for downloading and trying this.
"iBDE" was inspired by SpyAmp Professional Edition
one of my Favorite skin. ...