-------- MARSHALL SKIN V2.0 ---------
designed by:
NINIDC : info-is@in-file
It's my first skin ,he was only made with PSP5 !
I was inspirated by the MARSHALL guitar amplifier to do this skin.
If you have any suggestions or comments ,please send me a mail !
New equalizer !
AVS now !
New E.Q again !
Redraw : Mini-Browser
Player Buttons
Shuffle and repeat buttons
Close,Reduce and restore buttons (they are made NOW !)
The player had some modification (Timer,PL and EQ buttons)
C'est mon premier skin (donc si vous le trouvez pourri : c'est normal... ;-)!
Ce skin est bas� sur les Amplis Marshall (marque surtout connue pour ses amplis de guitare)!
Si vous avez un commentaire envoyer un mess sur : info-is@in-file .
L'equalizer a �t� redessin� !
Il y a l'AVS maintenant !
L'equalizer a �t� encore redessin� !
Le mini-browser,la playlist,le "player",les boutons du "player"(play,pause,stop,...,shuffle et repeat),
les boutons : r�duire,fermer,agrandir ont �t� redessin�s .
This is my first Winamp skin, made with Paint Shop Pro Version 7.04 in February 2004. The cursors were made with LiquidIcon (freeware)
I called it 'Milk' because the colour scheme reminds me of a carton of said stuff
If you like it, feel free to use ...
*** MetalX Apollo ***
for Winamp 2.9x
by Borac
June 2003, Croatia
Skinned components:
- Main skin
- E ...