METAL GEAR SOLID Skin for Winamp
"If you liked the game you'll love this skin"
Created by Pablo M Gonzalez
Paraná (E.R.) Argentina
Version 2.0 7/3/01
Unzip this zip-file into a folder
under the Winamp Skin directory,
for example Program FilesWinampSkinsPBY-Gear
ReadMe.txt file for Metal Scale V1.0 By SMAR
This skin is created after my sites design.
You can find my site @
Several people requested a skin bassed on the design,
and I needed to m ...
By David
(A.K.A. Racer097)
My second attempt! This one turned out better than my first one, Ortas_Skin.
To get the most out of my skin, you'll have to use Winamp 2.9x, because I have skinned the library, WVS, and video for 2 ...