Yamaha by Mikefor winamp 2.50This skin is supose to looklike my YAMAHA CDX-480 & RX-385here is other skins I have done:Mike MetalMike AmpBrig
Yamaha by Mike
for winamp 2.50
This skin is supose to look
like my YAMAHA CDX-480 & RX-385
here is other skins I have done:
Mike Metal
Mike Amp
[||| CHIP |||]
2002 Atmo The Freak.
Made for the yaxay winamp skin contest.
Everythings skinned, main, equaliser, playlist, minibrowser, avs, mikroAMP.
Special thanks go to everyone at the skinlove forum, without you guys this would have never been pos ...
------------------ YAMAHA SUITE VERSION 1.2 ------------------
Hi Here is the latest version of my Yamaha Skin ..I have just added the mikroamp skin this time.. I haven't modified anything else on the skin mainly because I made it for myself and I like ...