StoneColdSteelBY TRIPLE-MMy first WinAmp Skin I actually finished (I started 2 times before, but never finished...)I'm proud to say that this is a complete 2.9 s
My first WinAmp Skin I actually finished (I started 2 times before, but never finished...)
I'm proud to say that this is a complete 2.9 skin - AVS, Library, Video Output and Minibrowser are all skinned when running WinAmp 2.9+ (Though I had to find out the skinning techniques especially for gen/gen_ex myself because no Nullsoft documentation is available at the moment)
BTW: StoneColdSteel does NOT include any custom cursors as I personally have always switched off cursor skinning because I do not like it at all.
creation time: ca.10h
tools: photoshop 6, winxp notepad
date: 2003/04/25
location: bergholz-rehbrücke germany
This is the official Winampskin of the House-Trained Wavecoremetalband . If you wish to see what other goodies we have for you at our site, please visit it at (you'll find our lyrics, funstuff, mp3 downloads, pix,...). We hope to welcom ...