Hello!I couldn't find a decent Dark Angel skin in the winamp database, so I thought I coud make one myself.Looks better than I expected ;-).As usual, many thanks
I couldn't find a decent Dark Angel skin in the winamp database, so I thought I coud make one myself.
Looks better than I expected ;-).
As usual, many thanks go to the members of the Skin Love forum, you guys are the best!(lol):
Skinme, Atmo, Cleanup, Lynx, Forever and everybody else I forgot (sorry, I'm
too tired to think up who else helped me)...
Extra special thanks to Mymy & Co
(as usual again)
//DonDon waves at Mymy =D
//still hacking the linux kernel, My.? lol
Everything skinned (stupid AVS *grumble*), except the mikro, might skin that for a later version, I had no ideas for this.
//Me waves at all XMMS users :-) I tried to make this as xmms friendly as possible, the balance bar should be the only 'bug'. (hey, it's not my fault that xmms is different..) =D
Yo. That should be all. Remember, don't rip; I spent several weeks on creating this.
(rippers and random downrators gonna burn in hell) lol
You can contact me @ info-is@in-file, all comments are welcome.
Nini :-)
my home is http://home.arcor.de/nini_ta/
(more skins&stuff)
mail me!
Dhoom 2 ( D:2 )
by Swapnil Acharya
Released 4th August 2006
Email: info-is@in-file
Do not change or distribute this winamp skin without authors permission. If you wish to have this winamp skin for download at your website then contact author fo ...