Winamp Skin Properties:
Title: GrapAmp
Author: :RHINO:
Version: 1.7
Winamp version: v2.77
Software used:
MS Paint and
Iconforge 4.6
Thanks for using
this skin. Have fun
and listen to a lot
of great music. Once
again, thanks! :RHINO:
If you have anything
to say about my skin,
mail me to:
Do what you want with
this skin, I made it
for my own and others'
fun, but as my oppinion,
you should start your
OWN skin, not copy
others', right?
Thanks again.
Glazeamp v1.2
Made by Ragim
Thanks for downloading this skin. This version features modified main and EQ,
new titlebars, AVS window. For those who doesn't like this color scheme
grey version will be available soon. All parts and every small detail ...