-Vectra-by Colldawg (info-is@in-file)-Do not distribute-My first published skin.-Everything from the main down to the mikro is skin.-There's a simple AVS to go
-by Colldawg (info-is@in-file)
-Do not distribute
-My first published skin.
-Everything from the main down to the mikro is skin.
-There's a simple AVS to go with it.
-Also there is also the font Bitsumishi that my skin needs. Install it into your fonts folder (normally C:WindowsFonts)
Verte Chose
(c) 2001 Neil Harvey
Hmmmmm, so whats all this about then?, Oh I dunno,
just some crapola I've been dinking around with for
what seems like forever ...
PeaceMaker (c) 2002
This is a skin that I carried over from my previous skin "Exile". Actually when I observe this one I think
it appears to be ...