> p o o r a - c h a n n o s k i n < author: piLaF-kun version: 1.1 release date: 3/13/2ooo>> c o m m
> p o o r a - c h a n n o s k i n <
author: piLaF-kun
version: 1.1
release date: 3/13/2ooo
>> c o m m e n t s
made with ms "pain" and paint shop pro 6.
this is my second finished skin for winamp,
i started it after having dreamed of the
texture on the titlebar, no big deal though.
>> c o n t a c t s
author's e.mail; info-is@in-file
author's icq uin: 48061699
>> n o t e
this file is optimized for winamp skin browser's
readme file text box (winamp v2.6+) .
Pioneer DEX-P9R-MP3 Version 1.20 BETA Read me
Created by WILDCORE (11.01.2002)
Homepage:http://www.kickme.to/PRF (NO WINAMP ...
```````````` Pioneer-VS-ClassicAmp Remix 1.0 ```````````
The Remix is here, after watching my best skin
falling off the 1001winampskins top 10, I decided
to strike back!
I decided to fuse two of my most popular skins,
and hopefully come up with a ...