Solomon Winamp Skin v1.0Created by John Theodorskiinfo-is@in-file11 July, 2000I have absolutely no idea where the concept or name for this skin originates; just
Solomon Winamp Skin v1.0
Created by John Theodorski
11 July, 2000
I have absolutely no idea where the concept or name for this skin originates; just playing around with some styles.
SCROID for WinAmp
2001 Deadly Six Designs
This skin was an attempt at creating a very easy to use skin, with lots of intricate details. The skin looks best with the EQ over the main window, but hey, do what you wanna do.
As far as I know this skin ...
TITLE: DJ SoundCheck ver.1.2
AUTHOR: Gibet Acu
SKIN TYPE: Anime-WinAmp Classic (ver 2.x)
FINISHED: August 30, 2002
Well its been a while since my last
skin--lolz (Tenkirin Gowa), then
I de ...
This is my third skin.
It's based on the second that it's so much simple,
the difference is that now I use some transparent spaces.
Wanna tell me something?
Hope u like it... and enjoy it ...