Solomon Winamp Skin v1.0Created by John Theodorskiinfo-is@in-file11 July, 2000I have absolutely no idea where the concept or name for this skin originates; just
Solomon Winamp Skin v1.0
Created by John Theodorski
11 July, 2000
I have absolutely no idea where the concept or name for this skin originates; just playing around with some styles.
This is just intended as a template for new skins. It
includes all of the skin features as of WinAMP 2.01.
The cursors included are designed to match Window's
standard set. If you want skin specifications, more
of my real skins, or something else ...
X 1999 by Clamp
"Digital Green"
Date: 28 August 2002
[For Winamp 2]
Green , bright green, dark green, green.
I was in a "greenish mood" and
the picture of Satsuki with her Beast
caught my attention.
Then, ta da.....
Digital Green -- the prod ...