v1.0 ______BIG BROTHER______ designed by Matthias RasimVersion 1.0 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------a Skin f
______BIG BROTHER______
designed by Matthias Rasim
Version 1.0
a Skin for Winamp 2.x
v1.0 Player,Equalizer,Playlist,Minibrowser,AVS skinned
Thank you for downloading my Southpark Skin,
Hope you will enjoy it!!
For ideas or bugs mail me at info-is@in-file
Author: Matthias Rasim
EMail: info-is@in-file
BigBrother - V1.0
BigBrother is a skin dedicated to the German TV-Project,
which came originally from the Netherlands
Player + Playlisteditor + Equalizer + Minibrowser + AVS
Author: Jean-Paul Larrivee
Created: July 21/2003
E-Mail: info-is@in-file
Homepage: http://www31.brinkster.com/stargazer3
Description: This is an attempt to make a 3D looking skin.Hope youi like it.
If you have ...