INFLATABLE by blackdogThis is skin was made with JASC'S PAINTSHOP PRO 7 and ALIEN SKINSOFTWEAR'S EYE CANDY. It features fully skinned main, eq, pl, mb, and avs wi
INFLATABLE by blackdog
This is skin was made with JASC'S PAINTSHOP PRO 7 and ALIEN SKIN
SOFTWEAR'S EYE CANDY. It features fully skinned main, eq, pl, mb, and avs windows and
custom animated cursors.
Useless info:
this is my third skin. its called "inflatable" cuz people on the winamp forums and people
on DevArt thought it looked like an inflatable kiddie pool.
Thanks to all the people in the winamp skin love forum who helped me out!
December 2001
Intrude v1.0
By Mike McKimm -=[ PeaceMaker ]=-
Hey! I hope you enjoy this skin as much as I do. It took a bit of effort but I think it all paid off. Something original I hope, nothing too metalic based, because thats all been done bef ...
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