=/= Outpost 10F Winamp Skin Version 1.4 =/=How to use this skin:First remember in which directory you've put the .zip file,or where you've unzipped it in. Then s
=/= Outpost 10F Winamp Skin Version 1.4 =/=
How to use this skin:
First remember in which directory you've put the .zip file,
or where you've unzipped it in. Then start Winamp and hit Alt-S,
then choose the "O10F1_4" skin and press close. If it's not listed,
choose the "Set Skin Directory..." option, and select the directory
where you put the file first.
This skin contains files for the Winamp player,
equalizer, playlist and mini browser.
It was tested on Winamp V2.5C.
For more information about Nullsoft Winamp, visit www.winamp.com
For more information about Outpost 10F, visit www.outpost10f.com
New in this version:
1. Improved bar edges of all title and other LCARS bars
2. Compact mode of Equalizer skinned
3. Improved titlebar and compact views of all Winamp sections
4. Simplefied Equalizer pip system
5. OTF logo added to Playlist
6. Changed font colour on Mini-Browser
This skin is based on Outpost 10F, an interactive Star Trek
chat. The skin may be distributed freely, as long as this
file comes with it. It may not be used for commercial purposes
in any way.
Created by JKAD (info-is@in-file)
for the Outpost 10F Department of Engineering
Suggested and Beta Tested by Lt. Cmdr Alex Telstar-Rico
First created May 16, 1999
Version 1.4 created October 7, 1999
Orange Fission
By Andrew Mackowski, info-is@in-file
Thanks for D/L'ing!
Also, Please don't post this skin on your site or use parts of it in your skin without my permission! Just ask me--I'll probab ...
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But that ...