Hi everyone
This skin is titled Beneath The Surface from SG1 Season 4.
It belongs in the Movie/Television category and is version 1.0.
It shows Sam and Jack minus their memories getting rather comfy.
Hope all you Sam and Jack fans like.
in ...
By David
(A.K.A. Racer097)
My second attempt! This one turned out better than my first one, Ortas_Skin.
To get the most out of my skin, you'll have to use Winamp 2.9x, because I have skinned the library, WVS, and video for 2 ...
Sailor Mercury AMP v2.0 (March 1, 2000)
Version 2 Changes: -Added AVS Window
-Fixed the problem of buttons not changing to Secondary when clicked
-Fixed the reversed colours in the Equalizer graphic display thingie
>>Hi! this is my first actual att ...