DarqueSyde II Winamp Skin by John Theodorski info-is@in-file December 2000 What began as a facelift for one of my earlier skins has taken on a life of its own.
DarqueSyde II Winamp Skin
by John Theodorski
December 2000
What began as a facelift for one of my earlier skins has taken on a life of its own. Once I got started, it really flew together - most of the skin was done in a day or two. Only a very few basic concepts remain from the original; but it is still definitely the child of DarqueSyde. This one has textures that make you want to drop the mouse and just use your hands. Also one of the few skins that I prefer the Oscilliscope on.
I've been toying with another revision to this skin- a more intricate transparency that removes the indented "tusk" sections and leaves only the buttons. That may turn out to be overkill, though. This skin certainly deserves some cursors; maybe when the mood strikes.
Had a lot of fun with this one: let me know if you enjoy it.
~ PixelTamer
Producto de Daniel's Wolrd
Buenos Aires Argentina
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Skin name: Diablo II
Release version: Released v1.1
Description: Evil Has Survived! Features Diablo himself (from Blizzard Artwork), the game box
and the Battle.net interface. All parts skinned, including cursors and the WVS, and I
included the necess ...