current=#219BD5normalBG=#000000selectedbg=#000000Normal=#138BC5font=OCR A Extended;Font=arial"Saturn in the Wintertime" (v1.
font=OCR A Extended
"Saturn in the Wintertime" (v1.8) by StillWater
The rest of my skins are here:
The title of this skin was inspired by the title of a Barry Adamson song, "Saturn in the Summertime".
The various symbols on the skin are Astrological symbols. This is what they mean:
Yellow (main window) - Saturn
Dark Blue (main) - Scorpio
Dark Red (main) - Pluto
Tourqoise (video) - Jupiter
Light Blue (minibrowser) - Neptune
Burgundy (inside minibrowser [requires MikroAmp]) - Mars
Amber (MikroAmp) - Venus
Bright Red (avs) - Sun
Bright blue (avs) - Moon
Purple - Mercury (easter egg)
Green - Uranus. (easter egg)
The actual planet saturn also makes an appearance in a different easter egg ;)
The skin comes with two visualisation presets that I've made specially for it: "In the Core of Saturn" for AVS, and "In the Rings of Saturn" for Milkdrop (the two presets are very different). To get them, open the WSZ with Winzip and extract them into the appropriate plugin folders.
=This skin contains skins for the following plugins:
Check out my MikroAmp pack "Around the World in 42 MikroAmp skins" here:
WinAMPAward.gif is what sent me when they made version 1.0 of this skin
their Winamp skin of the week.
Saturn in the Wintertime
E-mail StillWater
Sailor Venus AMP v2.0 (March 1, 2000)
NEW FEATURES: -Fixed the buttons that need it to switch to Secondary when clicked
-Added AVS Skin
>>Here it be, the next in my series of skinz. Last time it was Sailor Mercury AMP, and this is the logical success ...
By David
(A.K.A. Racer097)
My second attempt! This one turned out better than my first one, Ortas_Skin.
To get the most out of my skin, you'll have to use Winamp 2.9x, because I have skinned the library, WVS, and video for 2 ...
> v1.0 by Subodha Wanasundera
Stasis Amp v1.0 for Winamp 2.x
Kind of an abstract skin for people who don't like straight lines or flat surfaces, while not so abstract & obscure you can't find the button. ...