This skin is the works of Jono AKA basementman.All images are (c) copyright so don't steal.You may edit for PERSONAL use only. MOre of my works @http://www.proj
This skin is the works of Jono AKA basementman.
All images are (c) copyright so don't steal.
You may edit for PERSONAL use only.
MOre of my works @
enjoy it!
Golden Ring v2 --- by Jellby
(January-April 2002)
To install the included preset, open the .wsz file with winzip and extract the file 'GoldenRing.avs' directly into your winampavs folder or in a subfolder.
To use the preset, just right-click i ...
=========== Gray Balls of Fire!!! ===========
======= A Winamp 2.x Skin Created By ========
============== The BullGawD ==============
This one goes out to Cappy. Hope it's light-
hearted enough to offset the morbidness of
the Monk. The name was ...