Unicorn Clan Winamp Skin (UnicornAmp)
Author: Charon
Authors email: info-is@in-file
This skin may be freely distributed providing this Readme file is included and this zip is not modified in any way.
If you intend to modify this sk ...
utopia yearning
anhelus skin c. 2001
I found your picture between the covers of a book,
and though it was pretty worn, I just had to make a skin from it.
I know this is like sending a radio signal out into space,
but hey, stranger things have happe ...
ULTRAFINE Blu is a my first attempt at a skin,
although i never started from scratch.
I just took a brilliant skin
(ULTRAFINA - SE for XMMS created by J. Mayled)
and made a few adjustments.
Rob Louw
www.mp3.com/dmr ...