----------------------------------------------------------------------------- C R I M S O N B L O O D - kensen john-----------------------------------------------
C R I M S O N B L O O D - kensen john
Updated: genex.bmp
This skin is dedicated to all those who fought and
and died in IRAQ.
To all the soldiers and civillians who die because of
a bunch of politicians, dictators and terrorists.
The skin should not be used for any profitable
purpose. It must not be replicated without
my written permission. No component within
this folder must be used in any other skin.
The font used in this skin is Book Antiqua which
can be downloaded from
Designed in: Adobe(R) Photoshop(R) 7.0
Microsoft(R) Paint version 5.1
I would like to thank YOU for being
US. Thank you
kensen john
7:34 PM August 20th, 2003
-> contraCLASSIX10k2 -- Ergo
-> by contra
-> eMail: info-is@in-file
-> Copyright 2003. All Rights Reserved.
contains elements of the "Classix 10k2" skin by gigatexel.
you cannot redistribute or use any elements of this skin without written permi ...
Celtic Amp Pro
WinAmp skin by Shamrock Designs, Inc. - www.shamrock.cjb.net
Professional Edition v2.1 - April, 2001
1 ...