"Indonesia is nice place to visit"Thank's for download this Skin, this named Indo GreeNesia, for descript as nice our country was
"Indonesia is nice place to visit"
Thank's for download this Skin, this named Indo GreeNesia, for descript as nice our country was, nature & nice for visit.
This Original Skin made by Setyo Ari Cahyono (c) 2004, design with Adobe Photoshop 7.0, this my first time design.
The Indo GreeNesia skin featuring window mode for Main Player, EQ, Playlist Editor, Video, Minibrowser, & AVS mode include, that's can use on Winamp 2.xx and Winamp 5.xx
Simple gradient for relaxing our eye. I hope you enjoy this skin.
Thank you for using Indo GreeNesia for WinAmp2/Winamp5
(c) Setyo Ari Cahyono
Insomnia 2004
If you can’t get some sleep this is the right skin to hangout with.
25.03.2003 - Insomnia 24h, (available at www.zrco.net)
17.05.2003 - Insomnia 36h, (available at www.zrco.net)
21.02.2004 - Insomnia 2004
created by: Zarko Jov ...
Winamp Ithaki skin, version 5.
All components and shades skinned, all graphics improved and enhanced. Errors were corrected and more stuff was added. Transparency, animations, cursors, numerical sliders, eggs, MikroAmp skin, Ithaki5 even comes with a m ...
-- IsIzumi WINAMP SKIN --
created by Devil
Name : Izumi Izosaki
Date of Birth : August 25th, 1983
Blood Type : B
Education : Wanda High School
Izuki is a character from a jap ...