The Pillar of Justice------------------------Developed by :S.Maheshnarayan,National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata.Completed :29 January 2005 , 115
The Pillar of Justice
Developed by :
National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata.
Completed :
29 January 2005 , 1157 hrs IST.
Tested on :
Winamp 5.07 [(x86) Dec 1 2004.]
The Pillar of Justice
This is probably the first skin based on a University from India. The National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata is one of the primier Indian Law Schools and is refered to in fear and awe by other institutions as the "Centre of Excellence". The Pillar of Justice, which is said to be constructed in the late 16th century using only the ivory from 50 Indian Elephants, has inscribed on it, in Comic Sans Font, the words "The Pillar of Justice". The Pillar is to NUJS what the Llama is to Winamp. (Note: The details regarding the Pillar may not be entirely acurate).
"The Big Yin"
fanart/skin, 04/2003... dedicated to the real Big Yin, mister Billy Connolly.
by e-blackadder (info-is@in-file or info-is@in-file)
Outrageous Scotsman... one-of-a-kind showman.. ...
t i m e h o s t a g e
u p d a t e d
we do not control time
it controls us
therefore, we are all hostages of time
Penny Arcade
You wouldn't get it.
Winamp skin by LuigiHann
All art stolen from the comic by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins, except for the kitchen background which was taken from
Penny Arcade (www ...