****COLD FUSION 2.01**** designed by: Richie Jackson >COLD FUSION 2.01 RELEASED!!!! WHATS NEW: -- As you all know... when Winamp 2.01 came out t
****COLD FUSION 2.01****
designed by:
Richie Jackson >COLD FUSION 2.01 RELEASED!!!!
-- As you all know... when Winamp 2.01 came out
there were changes in the "Skins" format. This
release takes into account those changes.
I also took this time to add original buttons to
The Playlist Editor and Equalizer.
It really kicks.
-- Playlist editor and equalizer are now skinned
(Borrowed a couple buttons from Comely Amp
and AmpRack... I am sure they will not mind.)
-- Awesome new viscolor designed by Laird Bedore
-- Some minor changes that do not need to be
>> A new viscolor was sent to me by info-is@in-file
it's pretty cool... the old viscolor is still
included in the zip file listed as
>> Lets Face It... Fusion AmpMan Kicks Anus!! I wanted
to make a skin based on Fusion AmpMan, making only a few modifications. I gave it a black display
background, with blue writing, changing the viscolor
as well. "Cold Fusion" was a fitting name I thought,
seeing how it looks like "Fusion AmpMan" in a
If you are reading this, then I guess that there is a good chance that you are about to 'borrow' some of my images for your own skin.
Well don't do it! If you are going to make a skin of your own, then you should do just that rather than steal b ...
Always Coca-ColaŽ 4.0 Copyright CraShOveRŠ June 1999
After a long period of time without having done any
Winamp skin I finally decided to create a new - and
probably the last one - Coca-ColaŽ Winamp ...