Polaramp 1.0
by Endre aka trigger
(First release: Polar Party 14)
October 2005
Dette er første gangen jeg lager winamp-skin.
Jeg har brukt evig mye tid på dette og håper
selføgelig på at dere liker det :-)
Skin Name: Plain Chick
Author: ADBD
Version: 1
Why I made this skin?
*** I made this skin in three long afternoons when my girlfriend was out of town and so we couldn't ... talk. (What else do you do with your GF when you live in India and you're ...
30/07/2006 Buenos Aires, Argentina
Proyections DA6 Version
~Deviant Art Birthdays WASkin Gift~
Winamp Classic Skin
by: El*ArGeNtO
all gfx by El*ArGeNtO
The first version of this skin had a gre ...