Happy Halloween.
If you're roughly my age, this should bring back nice memories. If not, you probably have no idea what it is.
But at least it's orange.
Check out http://www.x-entertainment.com/articles/0822/ for more info.
minibrowser ...
0 0 0 0 EASTER EGGSTACY v1.1 0 0 0 0
This springy Easter gift comes to you from the skinners of Winamp's "Share Your Skin Love Forum" (http://forums.winamp.com/cgi/Ultimate.cgi). Needless to say, the skin is chock full of Easter egg surprises.
Elevate 1.0 by Craig Dickson
Based on ELAN*TV 2.0 by Oleg M. Petrovsky
ELAN*TV 2.0 was a great skin, but it didn't do
the AVS, and there were a few things about it
that I wanted to change just as matters of
personal taste. Elevate 1.0 is the res ...