Thank you for downloading my latest and final skin.Yep,this is my final production.After 5 months of dedicated skinning,one must stand back and ask if it was all
Thank you for downloading my latest and final skin.
Yep,this is my final production.After 5 months of dedicated skinning,one must stand back and ask if it was all worth it.
I would have to say yes and no.
Skinning has brought much success to me in the past few months,I was even approached by a company to do some graphic work for them.That was,and still is definitely one of the highlights.
Other good things that came from skinning has been the incredible response I received from You,the public.
Thanx for the 100's of e-mails and all the positive comments,aswell as the only jerk to send hate mail.
I might be back in the future,it all depends on the kind of response I get from you.
Origin of the skin:
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....... just kidding.
The skin came about by sheer accident.The entire skin is moulded from the top left wedge of the main window.I was just buggering around with a bevel editor,and to cut a long story short,I came up with this skin.
It is designed to look like a single module player,that is why there are no windowshade and close buttons on the equilizer and playlist.They are there,but they are just hidden.
Greets to a few people: (i can't remember everyone who e-mailed me,but I do remember some of you)
Maher Khan in Bangladesh
Sebastian Bjorkman in Finland
Paul Harlen here in S.A
Giotto my man in Germany for taking care of all my submissions!!!
To all the guys and gals who made my Sable skin so successful,all 50 000+ of you
Shay and Rani in Israel for showing me my true potential and taking a chance with me.
The production team of Paint Shop Pro 5
Steve at
My cat for being such a good lap warmer in winter
(sniff , sniff)
K-Aus 038 Amp Build 2 (9/24/05)
Created by Kyllian
Work in progress so stfu
Second version of K-Aus 037
If you think this is pretty good work, remember this, about 90% of this skin I figured out on my own, no asking for help, no tutorials, no sk ...
Fever Amp:
Inspired by the vibration of Kylie...
Tried to give a feeling of High-Tension Power, smoking under a surface of restraint, just waiting to shake your soul with some good loving!
This skin was made to be my regular skin, so sorry if you ...