_ _ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ ___
( ) ( )( )( )( / ( / )( _ )
| |/| )( | )( | )| | )| () || |/| || __)
(__/__)(___)(___)(___/ (_/_)(_) (_)(_)
beta version, released 12th of may 1999
Author notes:
I decided to start making a new wood-based WinAmp skin,
after I found out that no good 2.x version of the
beautiful WoodAmp skin became available.
One or two people tried to develop a 2.x version of the
skin, but despite their efforts I did not think that the
new skin was beautiful enough.
So I started making my first WinAmp skin ever. Allthough I
am not completely satisfied with the result, I still wanted
to publish it. For People might want to make some minor
changes I enclosed the original background file used.
The skin uses all features of WinAmp (up to version 2.20),
even a MiniBrowser-skin is included.
Designed in : Ulead PhotoImpact 4.2 Trail Version
Other programmes used : ThumbsPlus 3.0g1-R Trail Version
Best viewed using : 24 bit True Color
colours count : 1299
release date : May 12, 1999
version : WoodAmp R1 Beta 1
additional file : Original background (wood.bmp)
freeware notice : Except for Bill Gates, the use of the
skin is for free of course, but
be sure that you visit my homepage :)
exception for B. Gates: You can purchase yourself one (1)
single copy by sending me $ 100,000.
please contact me for more details :)
Created by : René Dijkmans
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
E-mail : info-is@in-file
URL : http://www.chem.tue.nl/dijkmans
ICQ : 9048973
aka : Maroesjk
WinAmp skin by keith hall / roving cowboy.
Only uses the main player images from winamp.
And it needs to have the sdb background files it uses them for the backgrounds ...
Windows 98 skin.
This skin is Copyrighted to Grphix.tk (Mikwiththesticks website)
Hi all HA! My first skin finished with no bugs that I can find!
But if you do find any please E-mail me at info-is@in-file thanks!
Also if the skin does not match the co ...