Weiß Kreuz (Knight Hunters)
Kudou Youji
June 10, 2002 (updated on February 26, 2004)
Rime Dragona
~ info-is@in-file
Weredragon's Delight - Winamp Skins!
~ http://www.stormpages.com/yourstruly/
This skin was created with:
~ Winamp Skin Maker v1.2
~ MS Paint
~ Microsoft Photodraw v2
~ Judicious use of the Skinner-atlas. That is a Godsend! Thanks!
(Feb 26, 2004) Skin is now 5/2.91 compatible! I have also included skins for Mikro amp, and Amarock. I tried skinning Vidamp... but it refused to play my movies at all, so I decided that it was useless, and won't be making any more for it. And this is after traversing the Winamp forums and searching for two hours on how to make it play something. (I did however read a post from someone saying that Vidamp is pretty much obsolete since WA has it's own player now.) I love Mikro amp, I wonder how I missed it before. ^_^ I tried my best to make it match my original work, even changing that to the new look in a couple of places. Amarock is wonderful, too. ^_^
Click to visit the Skinner's homepage: Weredragon's Delight
Yamaha PoLogic Skin for Winamp:
Modified from the popular Yamaha DSP-A2 skin to match ProLogic
Yamaha amplifier's design.
Thanks to Steve for this nice Skin I've adapted...(see below)
YAMAHA DSP-A2 Skin for Winamp
This skin is based on Y ...